Az első írásom amit megmutattam a nagyközönség előtt a 'Not the sheep' című filozofikus kis történetem volt. Alig pár hete került erre sor, amikor a Miss International Hungary - Miss Talent című alversenyén részt vettem. Sokat gondolkodtam azon, mit adjak elő, először az írás meg sem fordult a fejemben, hiszen mint említettem ez egy olyan része volt az életemnek, amit hét lakat alatt őriztem. Viszont egyik írásomat különösen megszerettem, és ez a szeretet volt az ami először sarkallt arra, hogy meg merjem mutatni ezt az oldalam. Ekkor éreztem, hogy megérett az írásom arra, hogy kirepüljön a fészekből. Párszor elgyakoroltam otthon, elképzelvén, hogy a zsűri szúrós tekintettel figyel, de minden alkalommal könnyesek lettek a szemeim már a történet közepénél, nem tudtam végig mondani. Ennek ellenére megfogadtam magamnak, hogy kitartok az elhatározásom mellett, lesz ami lesz. Nagyon ideges voltam az előadásom előtt, mégis amikor a színpadra léptem a papírral és a mikrofonnal a kezemben, egy addig rejtőzködő, gyülemlő energia, egyszer csak felszabadult belülről. Hogy milyen visszajelzést kaptam? Először jöjjön maga a történet:
I looked at the card, a landscape I haven’t seen before layed on it with a shepherd leading his sheep home in the sunset. I grinned with trembling lips and murmured: “Poor sheep”.
He looked at me abruptly, wondering why on Earth I just said that. He expected me to be angry or sad, he expected tears, but I showed no signs of mien.
“Why are they poor?” – He asked incomprehensibly, after a few seconds of attempting to figure out my strange reaction.
“The shepherd is there to protect them, the wolf is around to catch them and the sun is there to warm them. But what do they know? The sheep may never have a trouble in the world, because they don’t know about any trouble. They are not concerned about anything; they’re always in a collective, safe environment. Kind of like a human being who’s emotionally ignorant. Do you get me?”
He looked at me unusually, even though he knew me very well, not even he was able to make sense of my sudden outburst of thoughts. I realized I was making no sense to him, so I continued from a different perspective:
“In my life, I want to be the brave shepherd, I want to have responsibilities, I want to lead, I want to take care, I want to defend my sheep from the hungry wolves of the world. My sheep are my beliefs, my power, my dignity and my family.
In my life, I want to be the wolf, I want to feel hungry, I want to feel alone, so I can meet my true character, and hope to be stronger than to give into wickedness, I want to be scared of the shepherd and instead of stealing his sheep I want to befriend him and so he will willingly give me food and clean water. The wolf is my pain, and God is the shepherd.
In my life I want to be the sun, through my sunbeam I want to give, care, nurture, warm hearts, tirelessly get up and settle down, bring hope and light, never asking for anything in return. The sun is my love, and I want to share it unconditionally.
You see being the shepherd, the wolf, or the sun, is by far more complicated and hard to be in this life, than sheep. But if I could choose a million times over, I’d still never choose to be sheep.”
He nodded with a light unsure smile on his face, he liked my philosophical nature, but he didn’t know that I only told this story to remind myself of who I am, preventing my true emotions from bursting out into tears when I saw the name under the postcard:
“I think about you often.
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